Solo Like Me: The Seth Godin Interview
“I think it’s insane to quit your job and start as a soloist on Monday morning. It’s economically unfeasible and too high risk. What you ought to do is become a soloist at 8:00 on Thursday night. Or 7:00 on Saturday morning.”
Most people think of Seth Godin as a marketing guru, and for good reason. But he’s much more than that. It’s entirely possible he’s done more to encourage Soloists than anyone we know. Ever.
I’m tempted to introduce my guest today simply by saying his name: Seth Godin.
Everybody knows at least one Seth Godin creation.
It might be his ground-breaking book Permission Marketing. Or his take-down of mass marketing, Purple Cow. Or Seth’s own favorite, Linchpin, the one that made him cry after writing it.
Godin’s latest book
Your favorite might include any one of the 16 other books Seth has written and published.
And while some of you may have read all 20 of his bestsellers, we doubt that any one of you has read all his blog posts. There are over 7,500 of them.
If you prefer podcasts, he’s written and recorded almost 200 of those.
It's possible you've been in the audience for one of his over 1,000 speeches.
You may even be a graduate of his 30-day alternative online education platform — altMBA.
If your mind is reeling at Seth’s prodigious output, consider this:
He’s done all of it himself. All by himself.
Seth Godin, Inc. is ... Seth Godin. (Plus one part-time bookkeeper).
In this special episode of Here Comes Everybody, we talk about the crucial challenges faced by everyone wanting to get started on the path to going solo, with the über Soloist himself, Seth Godin.